CAE tool for acoustic simulation software
There is virtually no field of engineering that remains untouched by acoustic simulation technology. The reason is simple: no industry can afford to deliver a product that is too loud or does not sound right.
Actran has helped transportation, aerospace and defense, machinery and consumer goods industries to meet increasingly stringent noise regulations or to guarantee that new designs are consistent with the trademark sound of the company.
Thanks to a rich library of modeling capabilities and high-performance solvers, engineers can deal with acoustic, vibration or flow-induced noise challenges in limited timeframes. A user-friendly and highly customizable graphical user interface ensures a robust and cost-efficient integration of numerical acoustic simulation into any industrial process.
Some of the capabilities found in this acoustics CAE tool are:
• GUI support for advanced results visualization including dedicated acoustic post-processing capabilities (polar charts, 3D directivity maps, contribution charts, acoustic indicators)
• Access to embedded standard acoustic indicators (ISO 3744, ISO 3745, SAE J1074 and IEC 61672-1)
• Customizable interface based on user-defined process and requirements
• Adaptive solver-based meshing technology for efficient computation and users’ minimal meshing efforts
• Integrated co-simulation with multi-body time domain code Adams or CFD code scFLOW
• Co-simulation with structural analysis FEA software like MSC Nastran
• Analyze acoustic propagation and radiation in static medium or complex flow
• Simulate free field radiation with infinite elements or Adaptive Perfectly Matched Layer (APML)
• Model acoustic visco-thermal loss in small fluid domains
• Coupled vibro-acoustic analysis with direct frequency approach or modal frequency approach
• Rich structure element library: solids, shells, beams, springs, rigid bodies, multilayered composite structures etc.
• Poro-elastic element library based on the BIOT theory for modeling bulk reacting materials
• Piezo-electric element libraries for modeling active structures
• Random excitations: diffuse sound field, turbulent boundary layer, etc.
• Perform 2D, 3D and axisymmetric analysis with linear and quadratic elements
• Predict noise caused by turbulent flows retrieving aeroacoustic sources from steady or unsteady CFD results (SNGR technique, Lighthill and Möhring analogies)
• Interface with CFD codes using native CFD file format
• Low, mid and high-frequency capabilities relying on Finite Elements and Virtual SEA approaches
• Direct and iterative solvers as well as KRYLOV fast frequency response solver
• GPU acceleration for large domains, high frequency problem solving
This webinar provides an overview of Actran capabilities in modeling aero-acoustic problems. Several industrial examples will be presented. The webinar will also include a short live demo.
• Predict, understand and improve product design acoustic performance while shortening optimization processes thanks to latest HPC technologies
• Seamless integration of acoustic performance assessment in existing industrial processes thanks to native file format drivers and flexible API
• Increased productivity and robustness of acoustic analysis thanks to a customizable interface
Some applications for Acoustics CAE
• Powertrain, gearbox and electric engine noise prediction
• Characterization of engine air intake and exhaust systems acoustic signature
• Side mirror and climate control aero-vibroacoustic noise analysis
• Tyre and pass-by noise assessment including acoustic treatment optimization
• Interior vehicle acoustic comfort including fully trimmed vehicle NVH performances assessment and sound package optimization
• Transmission Loss prediction of multilayered structures considering frequency-dependent acoustic treatment effects
• Transfer path analysis and design changes impact comparison
• Fan noise assessment considering installation effects (structure vibrations, acoustic absorption, …)
• Audio equipment integration performance assessment
• Acoustic treatment and nacelle design optimization for aircraft intake and exhaust noise
• Airframe aero-acoustic noise prediction and propagation
• Underwater noise propagation
• Prediction of vibro-acoustic fatigue due to intense random acoustic load and vibrations